
Take full control of your diet and nutrition by unlocking everything there is to know about your dietary DNA profile. Learn about your body’s sensitivity to many of the foods you eat, whether or not you have certain dietary allergies, and the impact your genes may have on your ability to digest certain food groups. Supported by genetically-guided consultations, turn your DNA insights into actionable food decisions that make your body happy.


We all metabolise nutrients differently based on our unique genetic make-up. Your body already knows what it needs, and now you can too by taking the guesswork out of which supplements to choose and which nutrient-dense foods to eat. Learn about how your DNA plays a role in your body’s ability to absorb certain vitamins and minerals, so that you can take control of your long term health with personalised nutrient recommendations

Sports & Fitness

Bridge the gap between your fitness and your DNA by discovering how your genes affect traits like your exercise response, recovery rate, and injury risk. It’s here that you’ll also discover how to get the very best out of your workouts, utilise your power and endurance profiles, as well as prevent any serious injuries. Our professional fitness coaches are here to help you every step of the way.


By looking at select genes and understanding their impact on your daily life, we can help you pave the path to wellness and vitality. Identifying everything from your metabolic and inflammatory response and life longevity, to your bone density and tendency to get mosquito bites - by uncovering your genetic predisposition for certain conditions, you can potentially prevent them from manifesting in the future.

Stress & Sleep

Certain genes predispose some of us to be more sensitive to day-to-day stress than others. That’s why effective stress management begins with understanding your body’s unique stress and sleep profile. Find out whether you’re a ‘Warrior’ or a ‘Worrier’, a ‘Night Owl’ or an ‘Early Bird’, and if you’re genetically inclined towards getting better quality shut-eye, so that you can use the insights to improve your mental and physical well-being.


Your DNA test offers you the powerful experience of discovering what makes you unique and learning where you really come from. The places your ancestors called home are encoded in your DNA. Ethnic groups historically come from the same geographic regions and draw from a local gene pool. We analyse your DNA to determine your ancestral composition.


It’s difficult to predict how your skin will respond to ageing, but taking care of it based on what your genes tell you will go a long way in preventing future skin damage. Understanding your unique skin DNA profile helps to form the basis of your skin care routine - because not everyone’s skin is the same.

Physical Traits

Learning about how your DNA influences your appearance and senses is a fun and innovative way to understand the science behind physical and sensory traits including hair colour, smell sensitivity and earwax type. Discover how these traits run in your family and get answers to why you’re the only one of your siblings with a particular trait.

Gender Traits

Whether you are an artist creating new artifacts, a scientist making new discoveries or a gambler making reckless bets may be partly programmed into your genes. Those who have what's known as the "thrill-seeking" gene are likely to be more apt to take risks - and those who don't, tend to be more risk-averse. What will your genes tell you about your "thrill-seeking" tendency?

Behavioural Traits

Discovering more about what makes you a unique human being is a combination of both your genes (nature) and environment (nurture). Your genetics can affect your behaviour in different situations - from your susceptibility towards alcohol, smoking and food addiction, to how charitable you’re likely to be, as well as if you’re predisposed towards being more obsessive/compulsive than others.

Personality Traits

If you’ve ever wondered about the links between your personality and your genes, wonder no more. It’s here that you will learn about how your unique gene profile can offer a deeper look into the role your DNA may play in how you think, feel, act, and react. Are you more extraverted and open than others? Or do you tend to be more disciplined and organised? Your genes can tell you a lot about the type of person you are.

Success Traits

Your likelihood of success in life could be written in your DNA. There is mounting evidence to show that the best predictor of your life’s outcome isn’t just linked to your environment (i.e. your upbringing and social class) but to your genetic make-up, too. From your intelligence quotient and entrepreneurship tendency, to how good you’re likely to be at mathemathics - there’s a host of exciting information contained in the genes that make you, you.

Music & Dance

No language is more universal than music. It's a part of the joy of life, which is why it’s found in cultures across the world. However, how well we’re able to create it and dance to it is likely ingrained in our DNA. Discover and celebrate the genetic possibilities of your hidden talents - and those of your children - by uncovering your (and their) music and dance abilities, so that you can start to nurture and master them.


While air pollution is a major environmental concern that poses major health issues to the general population, certain individuals are more genetically predisposed than others to get certain respiratory conditions when exposed to certain airborne pollutants. Find out why prevention is better than cure by knowing your genetic risk profile when it comes to the air you breathe.

Common Health Risks

Most people with an inherited common disease risk don’t know they may already have the condition, as they don’t experience symptoms. If left undetected and untreated, these types of conditions can lead to problems such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. While most disease cases are caused by a combination of environmental conditions like pollution, and lifestyle choices like an unhealthy diet, being overweight, smoking and drinking, some are due to genetics. Certain inherited conditions like heart disease and stroke are passed down through families and are caused by a change (or mutation) in one or more of your genes. Insights into your genetic risk for certain diseases can help you and your healthcare provider build a personalised health plan to manage the onset of various conditions.

Disease Risk

Genetic risks for diseases are often identified too late. Limited health budgets also mean testing is usually only offered to people diagnosed with genetic diseases and their families - not healthy individuals. The human exome contains over 85% of disease causing mutations known today. It is the most revealing part of your genome, and a cost-effective and compelling approach for uncovering disease genes. Disease Risk allows you to understand how your genetics may impact your risk of developing certain health conditions. Our reports provide you with information and tools that aid your understanding of potential health risks, including potential risks of complex illness, how certain conditions may be passed on from generation-to-generation, as well as how you can take preventable measures now to avoid these diseases manifesting later in life.

Dementia & Brain Health

Research has found that many mental health disorders are caused by a combination of biological, environmental, psychological, and genetic factors. In fact, a growing body of research has found that certain genetic mutations are associated with some mental conditions. By better understanding your risk of dementia and other brain conditions, you allow yourself to make adjustments in your lifestyle that could reduce or delay the condition’s development later in life. It also allows you to pass on this valuable information on to your loved ones so that they can also mitigate their risk.

Drug Response

From the moment medications enter your body, it’s actively working to process or metabolise them. All drugs will eventually leave the body through a process called elimination - but the time they stay active is often determined by genetic variations that change the way your drug processing enzymes work. Certain genetic mutations can lead to unexpected or exaggerated responses to medications, including severe complications and adverse drug reactions. Learn which medications and doses are best suited to your condition and genetic make-up so that you can develop treatment strategies and medication selections based on your specific DNA needs.

Cancer Risk

Cancer Risk determines whether or not you carry inherited genetic mutations that may increase your risk of developing cancer. Having an early awareness of your genetic predisposition towards certain cancers can monumentally affect the outcome of your health, by allowing you to create a personalised plan designed to help prevent or detect cancer at an earlier and more treatable stage. In fact, 5-10% of cancers are due to inherited genetic mutations. Most of the inherited cancer conditions follow an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance. So, one person is enough to pass on the cancer-causing mutation from one generation to another. However, it’s important to note that while having a mutation may increase your risk of cancer, this test is not a cancer diagnosis and does not mean you will necessarily develop the disease. For example, most men have a 2% chance of getting colorectal cancer by the age of 70, while a man with a genetic mutation in the MLH1 gene can have a 35% chance. The level of increased risk differs from gene-to-gene and from cancer-to-cancer. This information can help your healthcare provider give you actionable steps towards preventive and early screening measures.

Family Planning

Family Planning (carrier screening) can determine whether or not you or your partner carry inherited genetic mutations that you might pass on to an unborn child. Knowing this information before you get pregnant, or early in your pregnancy, can make a difference in your family’s well being. Your DNA contains two copies of every gene — one inherited from your mother, and one from your father. These genes pass along family characteristics like hair and eye color. They also sometimes pass on inherited conditions. Most people carry at least one pathogenic mutation in a gene included in our Family Planning Screen. This usually only becomes an issue if both you and your partner have a pathogenic mutation in one copy of the same gene. When this happens, even though neither of you have any symptoms, there is a 1-in-4 chance for each pregnancy that your child will be affected by the condition associated with the gene. With this information, your healthcare provider can give you actionable steps you can take to prevent your child from having the condition.

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